The Friendship Award
This award is presented to honor a Women's Club member who exemplifies the qualities of innate kindness and thoughtfulness, an unassuming person who is always there to help…to encourage…to smile…and to be a friend. The award has been given by the Women's Club of Chatham since 1991 at the Friendship Luncheon, held each year in May. The tradition was started by our very own Barbara Sifflard and is meant to bring friends together, which achieves a Club objective of broadening and strengthening the social life of its members.
The past recipients of the Friendship Award are:
Elizabeth Small
Jane Wagner
Mildred Westhaver
Elsie Woolaver
Peg Tischler
Mary Geiger
Mary Smolens
Marilyn Hagerty
Elaine Knowles
Ann Smyth
Doris Adams
Joan Mahoney
Marilyn Allen
Anne Brown Vets
Barbara Sifflard
Jane Wade
Clara Slockbower
Regina McDowell
Judith Clifford
Sharon Oudemool
Joanna Schurmann
Martha Batchelder
Suzanne Burley
Ann Pronovost Buckley
Robin Zibrat
Ann Hosmer
Susan Simpson
Deborah Clark
Abigail Doherty
Ann Wade
Anne Dickson
Jen Stello
Lorraine Cocolis
2023 Friendship Award recipient Lorraine Cocolis